Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Palm Springs

So I know I have been really overworked and needed a vacation, but didn't know how badly till right now. I slept 12 hrs... Can't remember the last time I did that!

We have been having a blast doing nothing. I really feel like this little getaway will help me get through the next few months. It is so important to rest sometimes. Usually our vacations involving doing lots, which is fun, but this was so needed for where we are in our lives. So glad to have this time with my best friend in the whole wide world :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

A Self I've Never Known

As each day passes and lines on my face form,
I morph into an older version of a self I've never known,
The days of my childhood seem a lifetime ago,
I slip further from the dreams I had as a girl

Am I called to be average, to blend into a wall?
Am I called to something greater- a history maker at all?
I'm slipping away from my childhood ideals,
Into an average life, a thought that once made me ill

Am I too old to change, am I stuck in my ways?
Is the future dissolving, my dreams fading away?
Alas I cannot take this, nor accept this grim fate,
I am called, I just know it- my soul to something great

My passions as an adult stem from that of my youth,
In each step that I take, I see this as proof,
Yet I am directionless and I cry out to God,
"Show me the way; equip me with Your staff and Your rod"

I'll pursue all the passions, divinely imbedded inside,
I will follow Your will, refusing to cower or hide,
I will be used by You, show me how to be grown,
And use me mightily, as a self I've never known

Monday, April 9, 2012


Jerry and I had an amazing conversation yesterday about our faith, purpose and relationship with God. Jerry is one of the most gifted theologians- he has amazing perspectives on matters of faith. Yesterday's conversation was further evidence on why God brought Jerry and I together... he constantly challenges me and encourages me in my faith- for that I am so thankful.

I read a great devotional tonight out of the book of James. It is amazing how God can completely change your mood through His word. I have been pretty stressed at work lately- I have woken up anxious and have felt generally overwhellmed. Upon spending time with Him, He gave me a few subtle reminders of His faithfulness. I was also reminded of this while hanging out with a friend. God plants many reminders of His faithfulness, through His word, people and His peace.

I am at a place in life where I dont know what chapter is next. I am trying to continue with my art, music, writing on the side- waiting for God's guidence. Do you ever feel like you have been called to something big- but have no idea what it is? I know my gifts- I just don't know how God will use them. It's a strange place to be...I pray for His guidence and clarity. Either way I am in a very happy place in my life and I am so thankful for what He does.